Advantis Credit Ltd Threats, Harassment, Home Visits, Text Messages & Letters?

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Find Out The Facts That Advantis Credit Don’t Want You To Know

Don’t let debts affect your life and mental health. Please complete the form below to get support in dealing with the Advantis.

Write Off Advantis Credit Debt QuickStop Worrying, Remove Stress, Take Action Today

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Who are they?

Advantis Debt Collection Services is a branch of Advantis Credit Ltd. Founded in 2004, Advantis Credit specializes in debt collection and credit management. It collects debts on behalf of clients like HMRC and works with HM Revenue and customers to collect debt in different formats, like tax debt.

Feel as if you may not owe them money? Don’t stress yourself out or get scared of their actions, fill out this form to see what to do next.


Are they a legitimate debt collection agency?

Advantis is a debt collection agency. Its debt collectors collect outstanding debts for utility companies, including water, gas, and electricity. They also collect debt on behalf of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and the Department for Work and Pensions.

They are licensed and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority; and a member of the Credit Services Associations. Since they are regulated and licensed, there are rules that need to be followed. If they are not, you can contact the financial ombudsman service to file a complaint.

If you feel that Advantis Credit is outside the rules of their governing bodies and harassing you, fill out this form to get debt advice.

Online Forums Are Full Of Posts From Scared People Trying To Deal With Persistent Debt Collectors:

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Does Advantis work for HMRC?

Why is Advantis Credit Contacting me?

Collection agencies like Advantis Credit contact you because they believe you owe them or a company they work with money. Advantis Credit pushes debt at a fraction of its face value, sometimes for as little as 20% of the face value. Like other debt collection agencies, they make their profit by collecting all or just part of the debt owed.

So, if you are concerned about why Advantis debt collectors are contacting you about the debt you did not originally owe to them, the first step is finding the original source of the debt. Advantis debt collection agency can purchase unpaid debt from other companies, which means you have now entered a new repayment agreement with them as opposed to your prior creditor.

This collection company profits from your paying back your debt. They care little for personal situations around money and debt owed. In their eyes, you are the one who ran up the debt. Therefore, it is up to you to pay it back, no matter the circumstances.

 Contact us if you feel as if Advantis has not been following the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority regarding your debt. For more support and answers to debt questions, visit:


Un Paid Tax

Advantis debt collection works with several creditors, including HMRC. You may have received a phone call because they are looking to collect unpaid taxes. These unpaid taxes may have come from self-assessments, tax returns, or overpaid credits. Advantis debt collectors also collect late filing and late payment on behalf of HMRC.

Don’t give in threatening calls or emails; fill out this form for help with Advantis Credit and put an end to the stress.

Lower Monthly Payments & Write Off Up To 80% Of Your Debt – 30-second Form

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  • Please enter a number from 6 to 8.

Do I really owe Advantis Credit?

While the quick answer might be yes, there are some things you can do first to confirm they are, in fact, holding your debt. The first step is to find out how the Advantis debt collection agency gained your debt. This way, you can see the amount of money you owe, and the payments missed since they took over ownership of the debts.

Contact Advantis Credit to obtain a copy of the original debt you owe, and if they cannot provide you with this information, then you may not have to pay them.


What do I do now?

So you contact them, and they have purchased your debt, so you owe them. So what is your next step? The best course of action is to repay the money you owe if you can. If there are reasons you cannot pay the debts, maybe you have other bills that need to come first like rent, car payments and a mortgage.

Don’t allow your rent or mortgage to become arrears fill out this form to stop the debt collection process.

If you cannot pay the full amount, contact Advantis Credit for a repayment plan. One of the biggest mistakes is committing to a repayment plan that you cannot afford.

The first step is to make a budget. Take the money you have and allocate some to fixed expenses like food, rent, and more. Once you have done that, you can see how much you can commit to repaying your outstanding debt.

If you cannot pay your outstanding debt, contact us by filling out this form to see what help is available to you.

What if I don’t pay?

While not paying your debts is always an option, it is not one of the best. Advantis Credit has many tools they will use to pressure you into repaying your debt. Debt collection agencies have a host of tools from calling over and over, using an automated calling program, to sending a threatening letter to your home.

If you were to continue to ignore their attempts to contact you, that is when things can get worse. As a debt collection company, they have the right to chase you for the debt until you repay them. Companies like this also use door-to-door debt collectors who will show up at your home.

Stop the stress of having someone show up at your house by filling out this form to stop the debt collection process. A judge can order an attachment of earnings to get their money, so get help before that happens.

Debt collectors from Advantis Credit are not bailiffs, so they cannot enter your home. This may seem scary, so please get in touch before that happens to get help in dealing with Advantis Credit.

The longer you do not pay the debt you owe, the more interest can be added to the amount. Continued refusal to contact Advantis or to seek other means of support can increase their attempt to collect the debts. They cannot only issue default notices on the debts but can also apply for a County Court Judgment.

Think rules are being broken?

While there are rules to ensure that debt collectors follow them when dealing with customers, it is not unheard of for them to work outside of the rules. They may claim that they are going to call your place of employment to ask them to pay your debts or claim to be coming to take possessions like cars. Sometimes, they may even lie, claiming they are from the country’s court judgement.

Don’t let debt collectors scare you into paying more than you can afford. Fill out this form for support.

Being harassed for debts can have negative effects on your life, such as stress from the constant phone calls. Then there is the feeling of shame in letting your debt get out of control.

Not to worry. There are options available to help you through these stressful times. We are here to help.


Can Advantis Credit take me to court?

Advantis Credit can take you to court in order to get you to repay your debt. They can take you to court to claim the money that you now owe to them. If you have been taken to court a letter from the County Court Judgement will come to your home.

While this might seem scary, remember you cannot go to jail for not paying debts. Fill out this form to avoid legal action being taken.

If the County Court Judgment is ignored, remember you cannot go to jail, but they may send a bailiff to your home. The bailiff is to carry out the requests of the CCJ, and if they rule in favour of the debt collection agency, they will come to your property and recover items to cover what you own.

Don’t allow the snowball effect of debt to ruin your life contact Jubilee to get trusted support.

How long can they chase me for debt?

Because of the Limitation Act of 1980, you can only be legally chased for debt for six years from your last payment after that it is statute-barred. However, if you have been contacted by the CCJ indicating your debt has already been taken to court, you can be chased indefinitely.


How do I contact Advantis Credit?

If you need to contact them for any reason, either to confirm your debt owed or for debt advice.

If you would like to write them a letter, their mailing address is indicated below.

Collection agencies like this one have been known to be threatening and skirt the law fill out this form to get help. Contact us before you contact Advantis Credit.

Want to speak to someone over the phone at Advantis Credit? Call 01782 401 100 Keep in mind that any conversation you have over the phone will probably be recorded.

Their website also offers a live chat agent where you can speak with someone in real time via their chat platform.


How can I pay Advantis Credit?

According to their website, they accept a wide range of payment options. Via their website, you can pay by credit or debit card. You can also pay by bank transfer, the Barclays Pingit service or by direct debit.

Advantis Credit Ltd

  • Minton Hollins Building, Shelton Old Rd, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 7RY
  • Main Telephone: 01782 401100
  • Other Known Numbers: 01782401125, 01782401123, 07891 884107, 07814 042062, 07891 891060, 07891 894084, 07891 903286, 07891 901347, 0844 824 1820, 01782 401123, 08448 241 820, 07891903076, 08448241836
  • FCA number: 705478
  • Company number: 5223252
  • Website:
  • E-Mail: 

Advantis Credit Ltd and How Homeowners Can Use Secured Loans to Repay Advantis Credit Ltd and Other Debt Collectors

Dealing with debt collectors like Advantis Credit Ltd can be a daunting task for homeowners. However, secured loans offer a viable solution to manage and repay these debts effectively. By leveraging the value of their property, homeowners can access funds to settle outstanding debts and improve their financial stability.

Understanding Secured Loans

Secured loans are loans backed by an asset, typically the borrower’s home. These loans generally have lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans because they pose less risk to lenders. This makes them an attractive option for homeowners looking to consolidate debt or repay debt collectors like Advantis Credit Ltd.

Benefits of Secured Loans

  • Lower Interest Rates: Since the loan is secured against an asset, interest rates are usually lower.
  • Higher Borrowing Limits: Homeowners can often borrow larger amounts compared to unsecured loans.
  • Longer Repayment Terms: These loans often come with longer repayment periods, making monthly payments more manageable.

Using Secured Loans to Repay Advantis Credit Ltd

Homeowners can use secured loans to repay debts collected by Advantis Credit Ltd and other debt collectors. This can simplify debt management and potentially reduce the overall interest paid.

Loans for 25 000

For significant debt repayments, a 25000 personal loan can provide the necessary funds. This amount can be used to settle multiple smaller debts, consolidating them into a single monthly payment.

Kensington Mortgages 50000 Secured Loan

Kensington Mortgages offers a £50000 loan option. This can be particularly useful for homeowners with substantial debt, providing a large sum to repay collectors and simplify their debt structure.

Choosing the Right Loan Products

Selecting the appropriate loan product is crucial. Homeowners should consider their credit score, the amount needed, and the terms different lenders offer.

Aldermore Homeowner Loans Broker

Using a broker like Aldermore homeowner loans broker can help identify the best loan products available. Brokers have access to a range of lenders and can tailor recommendations based on individual financial situations.

Bad Credit Secured Loans Instant Decision

For those with poor credit, bad credit secured loans instant decision options are available. These loans provide quick access to funds, though they may come with higher interest rates.

Secured Loans Direct Lender

Working directly with lenders can sometimes offer better terms. Secured loans direct lender options are available for those who prefer not to use a broker.

Consolidating Debt with Secured Loans

Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into a single loan, simplifying repayment and often reducing the interest rate.

Loan Calculator Consolidation

Using a loan calculator consolidation can help homeowners understand their repayment options and potential savings.

Secured Loans for Debt Consolidation

Secured loans are a popular choice for debt consolidation. By consolidating debts into one loan, homeowners can streamline their finances and potentially lower their monthly payments. Explore secured loans for debt consolidation for more information.

Loan for Credit Card Consolidation

Credit card debt can be particularly burdensome due to high interest rates. Using a loan for credit card consolidation can significantly reduce the interest paid and simplify repayment.

Debt Consolidation Loans Best

Finding the best debt consolidation loans involves comparing interest rates, terms, and fees. A thorough comparison can help identify the most cost-effective option.

Remortgaging to Consolidate Debt

Remortgaging involves replacing an existing mortgage with a new one, often with better terms. This can also be used to release equity for debt consolidation.

Vida Homeloans Remortgaging to Consolidate Debt

Vida Homeloans remortgaging to consolidate debt is an option for homeowners looking to restructure their debt. By remortgaging, homeowners can access funds to pay off existing debts and benefit from potentially lower interest rates.

Vida Homeloans Mortgage Broker for Bad Credit

For those with bad credit, working with a specialist like Vida Homeloans mortgage broker for bad credit can help secure favourable terms. Brokers can navigate the complexities of the market to find suitable products for those with less-than-perfect credit scores.

Understanding Interest Rates and Loan to Value Ratios

Interest rates and loan to value (LTV) ratios are critical factors in determining the cost and feasibility of secured loans.

Interest Rates and LTV Ratios

Interest rates typically increase as the LTV ratio increases, reflecting the higher risk to the lender. Understanding these dynamics can help homeowners make informed decisions.

Loan ProductInterest RateLTV Ratio
£10000 loan4.0%80%
25000 personal loan4.5%85%
£50000 loan5.0%90%

Practical Tips for Homeowners

Homeowners can benefit from understanding the options available and taking proactive steps to manage their finances.

  • Regularly review and improve your credit score to access better loan terms.
  • Use online calculators and tools to plan and understand your financial options.
  • Consider professional financial advice to navigate complex loan agreements.

By leveraging secured loans, homeowners can effectively manage and repay debts to Advantis Credit Ltd and other collectors, improving financial stability and peace of mind.