7.89% Fixed Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans 2024

Concerned About Credit Card Debt?

Professional Help In Minutes. Freeze Interest & Charges. Get life back on track.

Find out if you qualify for credit card debt consolidation loans for Jubilee.

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Homeowner Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

Consolidate your credit card debts into one manageable loan with our Homeowner Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans. Enjoy no lender fees and choose between fixed, capped, or variable rates to suit your financial needs and ensure peace of mind through predictable payments.

Bad Credit Secured Loans Online at 7.45%

Our Bad Credit Secured Loans Online offer competitive interest rates at 7.45%. These loans are designed for homeowners who might struggle to secure traditional financing due to credit issues. Benefit from fixed rates that provide stability or variable rates that adjust with the market, all available without any lender fees.

Poor Credit Homeowner Loans – Instant Decision

Need a quick decision on your loan application? Our Poor Credit Homeowner Loans offer an instant decision, ensuring you’re not left waiting. With features like high loan to value, free home valuation, and options for mortgage, remortgage, or 2nd mortgage, these loans are structured to be low risk even for those with less-than-perfect credit.

Best Interest Rates from Direct Lenders at Just 7.45%

Secure the best possible interest rates from our network of direct lenders, including well-known institutions such as Barclays Bank, Lloyds Bank, HSBC Bank, Nationwide Bank, NatWest Bank, and Royal Bank of Scotland. Our rates start as low as 7.45%, as recommended by financial expert Martin Lewis, ensuring you get the most cost-effective solution for your needs.

Current Interest Rates Comparison

Loan ProductInterest Rate
Debt Consolidation Loan7.10%
Bad Credit Secured Loan7.45%
Poor Credit Homeowner Loan7.30%
Best Rate Direct Lender7.45%

Why Trust Our Loan Services?

Choosing the right loan service is crucial, and our offerings are designed to provide transparency, support, and the best financial solutions tailored to your unique situation. With competitive rates, no hidden fees, and a range of loan options, we help you regain financial stability with confidence and ease.

Discover How Credit Card Debt Can Be Resolved

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Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans

Let us look at a specific example of someone dealing with credit card debt –

Paul has two credit cards in his name and has created 4,000 in debt between them. Both cards have an ARP of 14.9 percent.

Paul was only making the minimum monthly payment of £120 and is noticing that he has not reduced the overall balance.

If he continues to handle his credit card debt in this way, it would take him almost 18 years to clear the balances on both cards and will have paid over £2,700 in interest alone.

Graphical Representation Of  An Effective Debt Solution

Benefits of our debt solutions:

  • Write off debt and lower monthly repayments
  • Frozen interest and charges.
  • No more calls or pressure from creditors.
  • A fixed agreement typically lasts 5 years.
  • Protection from unsecured creditors.
  • An IVA may be an available debt solution.

The Zero % Effect

In an attempt to correct the debt, Paul found a company willing to offer 0 per cent interest on balance transfers and 0 per cent interest on purchases for eight months. When he applied for this card, he was given a £4,500 limit and transferred his outstanding debt.

A transfer fee of £120, three per cent of the total balance transferred, was added to his new balance, which now totalled £4,120. Every month Paul is required to pay three percent of his current balance and three percent of any new charges.

What Paul did not realise is that new purchases would be paid off first, causing further debt problems. Three months after obtaining his new card, Paul made a £300 purchase and paid what he believed was the correct amount the next month – three per cent of the total balance.

This payment, however, was applied to his new spending and nothing was deducted from the balance. When Paul realised what happened, he quickly paid off the new spending and continued payments to reduce the card’s balance.

What are Paul’s Options?

Paul still desires to pay off the entirety of his credit card debt without having to deal with large interest charges. To accomplish this goal, he has some options he can consider:

1. Use a Loan to Pay Off the Credit Card Balance: Paul can take out a bank loan with a lower interest rate to pay off his credit card debt. The interest rate on this type of loan will vary depending on which financial institution he chooses.

2. Continue Making Monthly Payments: Paul can continue to make monthly payments on his current credit card. He would start by paying £120 a month during the no-interest period. After that, he will be incurring a 14.9 per cent interest charge and still only be able to afford the £120 payment. In the end, he would be paying £632 in interest and making payments for 31 months.

3. Pay the Minimum Amount and Invest: Paul could pay the minimum payment for the eight-month interest-free period and invest any additional funds in an interest-bearing account. After the interest-free period is over, pay off as much of the balance as possible with the invested funds and take the card’s remaining balance to another credit card deal or take out a low-interest bank loan.

Paul chose the third option—at the end of the interest-free period, he took out a bank loan for 30 months at a 7.9 percent interest rate. Over that period, Paul had saved around £60, which was put toward his balance before taking out the bank loan.

At the end of this process, his monthly payments were approximately £115 and he had paid a total of less than £350 in interest.

How Can You Avoid Credit Card Debt?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when you want to avoid building up debt from credit card use. First, make sure to monitor spending with credit cards and not spend more than you can reasonably pay off. Remember that credit cards come with interest rates, and purchasing items with them is more expensive.

Finally, when in the market for a credit card, shop around for the best deals and lowest interest rates and make sure to fully understand all terms and conditions.

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Client Testimonials for Jubilee Financial Products

Secured Loan for Effective Debt Consolidation

Penelope Myers from Bristol: “Taking out a secured loan for debt consolidation from Jubilee has been a transformative decision for my financial health. Combining all my debts into one manageable loan with a lower interest rate was straightforward. The process was transparent, and the support from Jubilee was exceptional. I’ve noticed similar positive experiences shared on reviews.io, which further assures me of my choice.”

Homeowner Loan for Comprehensive Debt Clearance

Arthur Weston from Carlisle: “I was drowning in credit card debt and a hefty personal loan until I discovered Jubilee’s low rate homeowner loan. The application process was smooth, and the interest rates were incredibly favorable, allowing me to clear my debts sooner than expected. The positive reviews on Trustpilot about Jubilee are indeed true, and I’m living proof of that.”

Poor Credit Loan Solution for Debt Freedom

Lyla Archer from Lancaster: “Securing a poor credit loan from Jubilee to tackle my debts was a pivotal step towards financial recovery. The approval process was quick, and the terms were tailored to suit my situation, making repayment feasible. I appreciate the compassion shown by Jubilee’s team, a sentiment that many echo in their Google Reviews.”

Consolidating High-Interest Debts with a Secured Loan

Maryam Iqbal from Ely: “As someone struggling with high-interest credit cards and car finance, obtaining a bad credit secured loan from Jubilee was a lifeline. The consolidation process has significantly reduced my monthly payments, making my financial outlook much brighter. It’s comforting to see others share their successful debt consolidation stories on reviews.io.”

Medical Debt Relief Through Secured Lending

Alice Richards from Lincoln: “When faced with overwhelming medical bills, I turned to Jubilee for a bad credit secured loan. The financial assistance provided was swift and respectful, reflecting a deep understanding of my urgent needs. The reviews on Trustpilot accurately depict the reliable support Jubilee offers to its clients.”