Debt Consolidation Loans For Bad Credit UK No Guarantor For 2024

Find out if you can get a loan from Jubilee in 2024. Here are the features:

  • No lender, advisor or broker fees with Jubilee Debt Consolidation Loans For Bad Credit UK No Guarantor
  • Direct lender
  • Fast, free and automated home valuation with no obligation to proceed
  • 7.91% capped rate, the rate could go down but will never go above 7.91%
  • No early repayment charges (ERC)
  • Portable loan ready for if you move house
  • Ideal for repaying credit cards, unsecured personal loans, catalogues, store cards, high-rate car finance and other obligations
  • A decision in principle based on an unrecorded soft credit search
  • Up to 90% loan-to-value
  • One penalty-free payment holiday per year with 2 weeks notice required
  • No valuation penalty for flats or other leasehold property titles
  • No upper age limit
  • Completions in as little as two weeks from the completed application

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Do You Have any Bad Credit?*

About You

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Under “normal” circumstances for secured loans, bad credit with no guarantor is a triage for disaster.

It asks a credit firm to disregard the safety checks they have in place to safeguard their business.

The secured part of the loan title means that the credit firm needs something from the applicant to secure the loan.

It is a requirement because, without that security, there is no guarantee that the creditor will be repaid, and if they aren’t, they have no recourse to recover their money.

It’s a huge risk, but more importantly, the problem has a few workarounds.

The Secured Element of Finance

The problem with getting a secured loan is the security element. You need to have something of high value to put up as collateral. This is usually your home.

However, secured loans can be secured on anything of value owned by the applicant.

Investments held in trust may be proven with bond certificates to access Secured Savings Loans. Logbook loans, though, will not do any good because, chances are, your vehicle isn’t worth the amount you need – between £25,000 and £75,000.

Under £25,000, you won’t need security as you could get an Unsecured Loan. Loans above £25,000 to a maximum of £75,000 must be secured.

When you have nothing worth between those amounts, creditors can and usually do ask for a guarantor.

A Problem Shared is a Problem Doubled with Debt Consolidation Loans For Bad Credit UK No Guarantor

Guarantors are not easy to obtain, and it is something Jubilee Secured Loans do not require. Aside from the “it’s not fair” part, there is a high likelihood that no matter who you know, they will resist becoming a guarantor for any amount, let alone debts worth thousands, which is perfectly understandable.

And not everyone will be a suitable guarantor anyway. Most creditors who accept guarantors stipulate that they either:

  1. You must be a homeowner, and in that case, they will want to know about the equity in the home because if things don’t go according to plan and you fail to repay, it’s the guarantor they will chase for payment. If it goes ignored, they will seek to secure the loan amount against the property to get repaid what they are owed. Some firms will immediately chase the guarantor, knowing they have a better chance of the responsible lender repaying than the original applicant with a poor credit history.
  2. Must be a tenant with a good credit history—In the case of tenants, impeccable is more like what a creditor wants the credit report to be. Nothing adverse of any kind, a track record of responsible money management, i.e. borrowing within one’s means.

For applicants, they need to find a person who either owns their home, or is a mortgage holder or someone who has never had a financial hiccup within the last six-years that would show on his or her credit report.

And it’s not clever either:

The Citizens Advice reported last year that since the FCA placed a cap on payday loans, debt-associated problems with them decreased by 53%. However:

“The number of people who sought Citizens Advice’s help with guarantor loan debts increased by 45% in the last year, from 221 between April and June 2015 to 322 in the same period this year.” ~Citizens Advice

The price cap on payday loans appears to have effectively shifted the problem from one high-interest loan product to the rest of the subprime lending market. Introducing a guarantor to personal loans as a means of security is affecting both parties instead of just the borrower.

We work with our clients directly without the involvement of associates, friends or family members.

Knowing that ideally, a guarantor loan wouldn’t be the easiest to work with, and risks financial problems to those close to you, it makes sense that borrowers don’t want to use guarantors. Even if they can get someone to agree, it is a high ask with a potentially huge pitfall to the existing relationship or friendship if repayments become problematic.

The only remedy would be to rectify credit report issues

Any application for a secured loan will result in a credit check being done with any one of the big three credit information companies:

  • Experian
  • Equifax
  • CallCredit

Any negative entries on your credit report and it’s a game changer. The vast majority of secured loan applications are rejected.

Following the rejection, applicants usually turn to specialist financial firms that cater to people with bad credit histories.

The sub-prime market

Working with specialist providers catering to people with bad credit is a good thing. Finding a responsible lender, though, can be tricky because they all have a policy on the types of risks they find acceptable. It could take many applications and rejections before finding a lender willing to provide a secured loan based on the risk they’re presented with. When the finance is needed fast, that’s a problem.

The higher the risk the lender is being asked to take on, the higher the interest rate charged will be and that’s a problem too.

When any business issue is brought up, the risk level is even higher because nothing is ever certain in business. And if you’re only starting, you probably don’t have the financial trading history required to prove you can meet the repayment amounts and terms of the loan.

The Solution to Secured Loans, Bad Credit, with No Guarantor

At Jubilee, we understand our client’s unique situations. Our expertise is short-term financing for residential and commercial loans.

We can offer Secured Loans to those with an adverse credit history and we do not require a guarantor.

Secured Debt Consolidation Loans For Bad Credit UK No Guarantor

We’re in the market to solve financial problems. We do that by working with a select group of private lenders and an expert panel of credit lenders whose expertise is providing finance solutions to people with impaired credit histories.