CRS Debt Collection Threats, Harassment, Home Visits, Text Messages And Letters?

There’s A Fair Chance You Might Not Need To Pay CRS Debt Collectors!

Are you being harassed with threatening and frequent phone calls? Maybe a letter has come to your home, or a debt collector from CRS Debt has even appeared at your door. Don’t let debt affect your life and mental health. Please fill out the form below to get support in dealing with nasty debt collectors.

Stop CRS In Their Tracks. Write Off Their Debt Quickly

Stop Worrying, Remove Stress, Take Action Today.

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Who is Credit Resource Solutions Debt?

Unfortunately, if CRS UK or Credit Resource Solutions is contacting you, you might already know that they are one of the worst debt collection companies in the UK. CRS is a debt collection company privately owned by Andrew, Julie, and Benjamin Calvert.

They acknowledge that the current ways of collecting debt are outdated. They have developed new techniques using technology and offer Myers as a self-serve portal to check accounts. Their methods have been questioned as recently as 2010 when the Office of Fair Trading (which no longer exists) stated that poor practices seemed widespread.

If you are experiencing harassment from CRS debt collectors, contact us by telephone or fill out this form to see how we can help. Stop the stress you feel and get on the right side of debt.

Like other debt collectors, they have the proper licenses to operate. The Financial Conduct Authority regulates them and is also a member of the Credit Services Association. While their collection methods have sometimes been questioned, they are nonetheless a regulated company.

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Why is CRS contacting me?

In the current climate, the business of debt collection is vast, and companies like Credit Resolution Services are profiting from these unfortunate situations. CRS, or Credit Resource Solutions, is a debt collection agency, meaning it collects debts not made with its company.

Not sure what to do? Feeling hopeless? Fill out this form to get support.

CRS debt collection buys outstanding debts, usually at less than their original value. This means they make their profit when a customer pays their debt in full. They purchase debt from anyone who will sell it, including phone bills, utilities, and cars.

If debt collectors are contacting you, they might have bought your debt from someone else. Fill out this form to see how we can help you with debt collectors.


Do I owe CRS money?

Anyone being contacted by CRS might wonder if the debt is even theirs. CRS buys outstanding debts, so if your debt was not with them, it does not matter because they now hold your file.

The first step is to ensure that the money they claim you owe is correct. Contact CRS and establish where the original debt is coming from.

This step is essential because the amount of money you owe may be larger than you remember. For several reasons like interest and missed payment penalties, you may owe more than you think.

Contact CRS and ask for the original debt agreement; if they can’t provide it, you may be under no obligation to pay them.

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I think CRS does not follow the law.

The best way to tell if this is happening to you is to understand the rules they must follow.

If you feel like CRA is not following the rules, please fill out this form to help stop their harassment.

 They must treat any debtor fairly. They are not to use coercive, aggressive, or deceitful tactics. They also cannot use practices that might seem oppressive, improper or unfair.

The information they provide should be clear and not misleading or confusing.

 If debtors are having trouble paying their debts, they should consider their circumstances.

When creating repayment plans, they should consider the debtors’ personal circumstances and situations.

If you feel these guidelines are not being followed, contact the Financial Ombudsman Service. By their email address at By phone, call 0300 1239 123 or 0800 023 4567.

I don’t want to or can’t pay CRS Debt

If you owe money, paying for it is easiest, but everyone has a unique situation. You may not pay this debt because of other expenses, or paying the debt would jeopardize other essential spending on things like food and rent.

Unlike most collection agencies, we understand this, contact us by filling out this form for support.

The individuals who work at CRS are paid the least amount possible and receive a bonus when they get you on a payment plan.

First, you will usually be contacted by phone. If you don’t answer, they will call from different numbers to see if you will pick up. Reviews also state they have used other company names when making their calls.

They have many ways to wear you down until you pay. One of them is using automated call technology. This allows them to use a system to call you without a live person, and calls could come in every 15 minutes. They may also try a different number to contact you, such as work, home, or school.

Make notes of these calls. If they happen too often, you can report them to the financial ombudsman service, or use one of our forms to get help stopping these annoying calls and ending the cycle.

If you happen to see their number on your screen and answer, a common tactic is that of the Good Cop or bad Cop on the phone. When using this approach, they try to pay you down into paying the amount in full.

Beginning with the “Good Cop” call, they might seem concerned about your debt, even appear understanding. Either in the same call or with a different agent, you will then get the “Bad Cop” when you begin to refuse to pay. They will become rude, blunt and sometimes threatening.

Don’t let debt collectors hurt your life, please fill out this form for support.

Can I just ignore CSR?

In short, yes, ignoring any form of communication, including an email from CRS, is within your rights. You cannot be sent to jail for not paying your outstanding debt. In doing so, you will most likely see an increase in their attempts to contact you.

The debt collectors have no legal right to enter your home and cannot remove anything from it. CRS debt collectors are not bailiffs.

Fill out this form before legal action is taken against you.

If they are unsuccessful in getting you to pay, they may resort to using the court system. CRS can request a County Court Judgement. If legal action is taken against you, the judge can place an attachment of the earnings order.

Get help before legal action is taken with the debt collection process by filling out this form.

The court can indeed send a bailiff to your home, and the bailiffs are able to remove items and put their value against your debt. If court action is taken, then you can be chased for your outstanding debt past the usual six-year time period.

Halt court action and stop CRS from causing more stress in your life by contacting us today.

Other supports are available at Step change, National Debt Line and Citizens Advice.

CRS – Credit Resource Solutions

  • Bowling Mill, 3rd Floor West, Dean Clough, Halifax HX3 5AX
  • Main Telephone: 01422 324510
  • Other Known Numbers: 01422324510, 01422 324520, 01422 324524
  • FCA number: 626796
  • Registered Number: 04690879
  • Website:
  • E-Mail: